Covid-19 Response

 We are starting limited in-person services!


Greetings from the Healthy Church Team of Courthouse Community UMC!


We miss all of you and love our church family!


Many of you may have wondered as we did, "How will this affect the church?"

when the governor announced new restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the virus. 

While the new restrictions do not change the ways we are doing In-Person worship

we do want to take this time to remind everyone of the restrictions and guidelines we do have. 

Please click HERE to read about our current plans.

To read about our continuing on-line services, click HERE.

Please read all instructions and email Pastor Beth with any questions.

Pastor Beth would like to update you weekly on what’s going on. If you aren’t signed up for the E-Circuit Rider

sign up now by emailing Pastor Beth.

Click HERE to read our weekly E-Circuit Rider.

If you would like to set up an online pastoral care meeting, 

email Pastor Beth.

Do you need prayer?

Click here to email a prayer request to our prayer team.

Click here to email a  confidential prayer request just to Pastor Beth.

Read "Five Ways to Live with Purpose during a Pandemic".